March 31, 2025

Getting a Covid-19 vaccine — quickly and safely

Explained Researchers around the globe are working with unprecedented speed to find the vaccines we need to find our way through the pandemic. What’s the ...
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Total Deaths from COVID-19 vs Top 10 Causes of Death in the USA. COVID-19 is now the third leading cause of death in the USA.

COVID-19 Is the Third Leading Cause of Death in the US in 2020

COVID-19 has been rampaging through the US. It has now caused more deaths in the US than the Vietnam War, the Korean War, World War ...
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Do our bodies coddle cancer cells? The image shows Killer T cells surrounding a cancer cell.

How our bodies coddle cancer

Tumors resist chemotherapy with help from a surprising source: nearby normal cells. Researchers are developing workarounds. By Bob Holmes 7.18.2019 For cancer patients and their ...
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how does body burn fat. How does energy metabolism work

How does your body ‘burn’ fat?

David Prologo, Emory University Many of us may be considering “burning some fat” so we feel better in our bathing suits out on the beach ...
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