March 31, 2025

Editorial Team

Aaram A Kumar scientific writer medical writer strategist
Aaram A. Kumar
Hi there! I’m Aaram, the founder of Sciencera. I grew up in beautiful city of Thiruvananthapuram in the Southern part of India, famous for its pristine beaches. Now, I am a scientific writer based in Indianapolis. When I am not busy procrastinating on my writing, poring through research articles, or coming up with grand ideas to save the planet, I love playing soccer and chess. I read a bit and write sporadically when caffeinated to the right amount. I am passionate about healthcare, scientific research, writing, and outreach activities.
lorena infante lara is a regular science communications writer and a managing editor at sciencera
Lorena Infante
Managing Editor
I was born and raised in Mexico City, but I have lived in six cities in four different countries, finally moving to the U.S. when I was in high school. I obtained a B.S. in Biology from Georgetown University and I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University. I work in the lab of Neil Osheroff, where I focus on characterizing oligonucleotide-based topoisomerase II poisons against human type II topoisomerases. I enjoy doing research and figuring out biological puzzles, but I also have a passion for communicating science. I became more heavily involved in writing about science after taking a short class offered at Vanderbilt, Biomedical Research and the Media. Since then, I have been writing for general and scientific audiences through various on campus newsletters (VUMC Reporter, Results and Discussions, BioVU) and off campus publications (A-BOM Reports, NIH ExRNA Blog, Sciencera).

Thanks to my efforts, I was awarded a spot as one of the 2017 Spanish Language AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows. I spent the summer writing for the online news division of Univision Noticias, communicating scientific discoveries to general audiences.

When not in lab or writing articles, you will most likely find me rock climbing, playing soccer, or playing board games with friends, probably while sampling new kinds of craft beer.

Aditi Mishra
Social Media Manager

Aditi is a graduate student at NCBS, Bangalore. She loves understanding how insects make decisions in their tiny yet efficient brains. Contemplating about life and laughing on it is a fond hobby of her. She writes, she illustrates and more importantly she concentrates – on her PhD. Find her on Twitter with the handle @alien_nxt_door

Soham Saha Science Writer
Soham Saha
Senior Writer
Right from a young age Soham has been drawn to science. His primary and secondary schooling was in the Eastern metropolitan, the widely regarded Cultural Capital city of India, Kolkata (or Calcutta). He has been interested in arts and creative avenues like photography and poetry. His tilt towards literature took him to a leading English daily in the country, The Statesman, where he served for 3 years. His attraction to science and how science could be used as a medium of communication and fruitful education drove many of the articles in The Statesman, which won him the ‘Best Writer’ award in 2008. He joined National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) in Bhubaneswar, India as a student of the third batch. He received his Integrated M.Sc in Biological sciences, with specialization in Endocrinology and neurosciences. He then joined the École neurosciences de Paris (ENP) Graduate program in Paris to explore further into the world of neurosciences. Currently he is in the Institut Pasteur working under Dr. PM Lledo, investigating how, why and when activity in neurons plays a role in stabilizing structural plasticity. In Institut Pasteur, he developed wide array of skills in computational neurosciences as well and currently with another colleague, is developing projects targeted to spread of awareness in neuroscience development, social interactions and psychiatric disorders. In addition to that, he is working in close association with psychiatrists to develop analysis and machine learning tools. He recently ventured into scientific entrepreneurship in close collaboration with a colleague in Chicago, USA and is making his network in Paris. As all geeks are, he is addicted to computer games, sometimes transferring that to playing soccer with friends and develops new pieces of painting. He shares equal enthusiasm in science outreach, social integration of the fact that “geek is the new sexy” and firmly believes scientific knowledge can only and only transform our beautiful planet.

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